
Sialkot, Pakistan
Current Openings : 1
Staff Members : 13 Employees

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About Jinnahsource

JinnahSource was established in 2003, and has grown its services in line with radical advancements in technology. JinnahSource is an Innovative company with a strong focus on business performance effectiveness. This enables us to consistently deliver more for less to our customers. JinnahSource is committed to outperform our customer's best operations, thereby creating the most efficient customer centric enterprise for our customers. Our range of solutions helps clients to eliminate operational risks and aims to provide outstanding service delivery at a single point of contact. JinnahSource helps clients manage their Inbound and Outbound services operations to attain excellence in customer service and most importantly, build profitable relationship with their customers. We have the expertise to implement systems and manage customer interactions reliably and cost effectively. In the competitive world, customers are constantly demanding lower prices and round-the-clock service.

Current Jobs in Jinnahsource
Jobs 1
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07 Oct 2009

Do Telmarketing in canada Having good communication skill in English

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